Saturday, January 7, 2012

I won't be a statistic!

Yeah! It's the weekend!
What a short work week. I wish they were all that way.
So, on tap for today I had a long run on the schedule. 7 miles, at least.
I did the usual prepping: pasta the day before, eating right all week (which I have done a pretty good job of this week except for the occasional leftover holiday homemade Nutella cookie-btw: they come HIGHLY recommended), and staying hydrated...with water. (bet you thought I was going to say wine! :)
The weather on the island today was beautiful!

The shrimp boats were out today-I am guessing it's prime harvest season-Wild Ga. Shrimp...yummo!
It was a little cool starting out..just enough for my nose to run faster than I was going. But, it warmed up nicely and everyone was outside enjoying the weather!

My 7 mile run ended up being a proud 8 miles! Woo hoo!
I have to stay on target for this half marathon on Feb. 12, 2012:

It is a short 37 days away! Wow!
And guess what...I think the hubby is going to run the half with me!
Of course, he won't be running with me, in a physical sense...he runs much faster (and will definiately have to that day just to prove a point).
I'm not complaining about him insisting on running faster but am instead trying to be encouraging.
He ran 7 miles today, as well.
I love the idea of us running together but he gets a much later start than I do (and did I mention he's faster?).
I like to head out and get it 'over with' so I can come back to this (which is what I had immediately upon my return):

Not exactly the best choice of a 'post race' meal..but, hey..did I mentiont that I had a tall glass of organic milk with it? Doesn't that count for something? Plus, what's that 'eat right 90% of the time' rule? I wonder if that means 90% of the week or 90% of each day??
I would love to say that I made these from scratch but we all know that didn't happen. (if a recipe has the word 'yeast' in it, I immediately skip it-too much work!)
I got them from a local bakery on the island. It is a treat, indeed.

Last, I got an email this week with interesting 'resolution' statistics that I thought I would share:
"According to research on New Year’s Resolutions, 40 to 45% of American adults make one or more resolutions each year. 17% infrequently set resolutions; 38% absolutely never set resolutions.  Only 8% of people are always successful in achieving their resolutions.
The following shows how many of these resolutions are maintained as time goes on:
-past the first week 75%
- past 2 weeks: 70%
- after one month: 64%
- after 6 months: 46%
Almost half of the New Year’s Resolutions don’t make for more than 6 months and 46% don’t make it for a month.  More surprising is that 25% fail in the first week!"
Some pretty sad statistics.
Thus, I make a resolution to NOT be a statistic this year!
I am sticking with the goals I set (not resolutions-I don't like that word).
Are you with me?
What are you going to do to try and stick to your goal? One of my goals was to get on a strength program and stick with it. I can proudly say that I stuck with it for week 1 and am tremendously sore. Amazing...I've done strength training before and, heck, I've even done the exercises that I am doing under the program before..but something about the weight, repetitions, or rotation of the exercises, or all 3 combined, has made me feel it this week! I'm not 12 weeks, I hope to be able to see my abs and have defined arms (of course, I'm going to have to lay off the cinnamon rolls)!
Have a fantastic weekend!

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